Stay Updated with BCN575

Remote work n. The growing trend of employees who don’t walk into a traditional office each weekday morning, instead opting to work remotely part- or full-time from home, abroad, or a well-designed coworking space in the name of flexibility, technological progress, and productivity. Maybe you may find yourself working remotely for the first time, not knowing the best ways to adjust or stay productive, especially if your whole family (including your kids!) are at home with you. So how to remain focused and connected even though we’re not physically together in person? While national parks, cars, and jungle bungalows can...

Remote work n. The growing trend of employees who don’t walk into a traditional office each weekday morning, instead opting...

Returning to work after a holiday, it is...

BCN575_coworking space can be ideal for you and...

Now a co-workplace experience gets closer in BCN575_Universitat....


About BCN575 Coworking

BCN575 opened its doors on 2012 in Barcelona as a coworking space led by architects Janice Moret and Ignasi Ribas. BCN575 offers their members a candid take of well designed flexible working spaces those that also sets apart and differentiates: from a local, close and personal perspective. A professional team that supports you in all phases of your career and however you are organized: freelancers, as an agency, in a foundation or in a company. By being curious and going deeper, we generate dynamics, creativity, innovation and a great atmosphere to develop your professional activities.

About BCN575 Extra

BCN575 book club, PARÉNTESI, invites you to meet every 3rd Thursday of each month to discuss the readings. Every 3 months we have 4 titles to read related to 1 topic.